This is just a bunch of my art.

A poster card for Etherphasia, featuring Thatcher Jeans and a vortex model raygun. I'm gonna make more of these, just you wait.

The Bluster Realm, with additional Onlookers. This windswept plane of existence is only populated by tornados, hurricanes, cyclones, and typhoons. The Onlookers are imposing creatures that are seen as shadows in the distance. Their home, along with their appearance, is fun to doodle.

The Dimensional Spacetime Protection Agency uses card models of the various dimensions to better communicate missions. Trust me, there are more than 25 dimensions in Simulation Theory... not counting those that no longer exist due to *ahem* reasons.

Pandora, better known as The Sun, in her true form. In Simulation Theory, Pandora is nothing more than a dethroned queen, who proceeded to get revenge by harnessing extremely powerful oyster saliva. Since nobody wanted to suffer her rage, she was banished to The Between, where her immense fire power consumed her, and transformed her into a Horror. Known as The Sun in this realm between realms, she is the self-nominated queen of the Horrors. The eyes she has across her body can be removed and placed into a mortal, allowing her to view the outside worlds from a native perspective. The only victim I'll tell you who has one of her eyes is Bruno.

The Realm of Evil, or the Void of Permetheon, is a really old location in terms of real-life creative brain blasts. I made it when I was eight, and its role then was to be the equivilent of Hell and where all evil originates. Since then, it has become so much more, but several things remain the same. Spending too much time in this dimension will cause you to take on a new form, affected populaces being named Voidians. Portals to the Realm of Evil will sometimes open up all across the universe, in different points in time. Jedkans, native beings from the Realm of Evil, sometimes leave their home to drag unsuspecting victims to the Void for their own nefarious reasons. The Void has a ruler, too: Permetheon, a giant, purple, one-eyed fiend who is the second most self aware being in Simulation Theory. The most important detail, however, is that these cute things called Polyesters originated from the Realm of Evil, and glass aliens called the Barons became special Voidians known as Dreamcatchers.